About Us


Public Safety For All (PSFA) is a project of The Way Forward Inc., a tax-exempt educational organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Our purpose is to build on established principles of public safety, and to prepare the way to meet our country’s needs in the current era.


In an increasing number of situations, citizens of good conscience today find themselves wary of fellow citizens who are charged with enforcing the law. It is beyond the scope of PSFA’s mission to take sides, settle grievances or heal old wounds. However, unless we can learn from our past, we can scarcely expect to improve. Our goal is nothing less than achieving accord among all those who wish to see our laws respected and improved. Our Mission Statement sets out in greater detail the activities that will help achieve this goal and we welcome all who share our vision.

Mission Statement 
The first obligation of government is to secure the safety of its people. In a democracy, as conceived in the U.S. Constitution, this obligation must favor all people equally. If one group is privileged above others, the legitimacy of government itself will be compromised, because those who are disadvantaged will find their stake in public order to be diminished. Conversely, where public safety is seen to favor all people, the bonds of community will be strengthened and the burden of securing public safety will be made lighter. Therefore, the mission of Public Safety For All is to identify and promote ways in which public safety can be made to benefit all members of our community.

1. Provide a forum for discussion of public safety issues

2. Provide informational resources relating to public safety policies and practices that affect community cohesiveness

3. Establish channels of cooperation among public safety stakeholders

4. Organize and conduct development projects aimed at improving the delivery of public safety

5. Contribute to the efforts of others that advance Public Safety For All's mission